Friday, November 16, 2018

Blessing In Trouble

"Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble."  Job 14:1

Probably not a verse chosen by most for encouragement, but in context with my life, I find it gives me hope (and by hope I mean expectation), encouragement and it works to strengthen my faith in God.

To give me all these things, I had to accept that this verse is a very concise and accurate description of the fate humanity brought upon itself  with original sin. No where in God's word are we promised happiness, peace and the good will of our fellow man. On the contrary, Job points out the "trouble" we have to look forward to in the few days we are on this earth.

When I examine my life in the light of this verse, I have to admit that I have had a good share of trouble, stress, lack of peace and joy, but I do have many patches of the opposite. This verse in Job helps me to understand that those periods of peace and harmony, of relaxation and lack or worry, they are each and every one a Blessing from God. It helps me to cherish each and every moment of God's peace and be thankful. These days without trouble bolster my expectations through Jesus Christ and they affirm for me that God is ultimately in charge!

No matter what He may allow in the spiritual realm and in our world, He has already won the battle for us and gives us these glimpses of His plans for us as we wait, sometimes not so patiently, for the fullness of time.

Thank you, God, for encouragement through the darkness!